Introducing “According to Luke”
Website Version
On Christmas Eve 2024 Westminster United Methodist Church remembered the nativity account of the gospel “According to Luke”, but in a special way. Of course. we heard of the Expectant Mary and Joseph, Bethlehem bound. And the shepherds and angels. And a certain innkeeper. And that marvelous manger. But we did so by ear and eye, from the chancel and on our video screens.
We were first ever witnesses to the work of a-dozen-of-us who engaged in a 12 week “Souljourn in kinetic Bible study.” Not just seeing, reading (about), or hearing Luke’s account, but actually WRITING it anew, by hand, word for word, in the classic (if archaic) King James English. MORE, we wrote it as Luke did. In his actual, accurate ancient Greek as best we have it today. In the 20 century tradition of scribes and translators across many languages, we worked as a group, a body, praying, practicing, even illuminating (illustrating) the text.
Now, using our website we invite you see this work, Luke 2: 1-40 as it was seen and heard HERE on Christmas Eve. You will see the list of our scribes as well as those who served as our illuminator/illustrators on the final page.
We hope you will enjoy, even be inspired by this unique experience. Rarely if ever will you see scripture handwritten in your own tongue. Rarer still, see it in the ancient language of Luke’s pen. (There are presently 8.2 Billion people on earth. 2.4 Billion, ¼ of the world’s population identify as Christian. Many fewer than ¼ of 1% of the world’s total population are Christians who can read ancient Greek. Fewer still actually see, many less read it. We are some of the blessed few in the global village to share this sacred sight of the Nativity “According to Luke”.
Thank you to our devoted scribes, illuminators and illustrators.
We were first ever witnesses to the work of a-dozen-of-us who engaged in a 12 week “Souljourn in kinetic Bible study.” Not just seeing, reading (about), or hearing Luke’s account, but actually WRITING it anew, by hand, word for word, in the classic (if archaic) King James English. MORE, we wrote it as Luke did. In his actual, accurate ancient Greek as best we have it today. In the 20 century tradition of scribes and translators across many languages, we worked as a group, a body, praying, practicing, even illuminating (illustrating) the text.
Now, using our website we invite you see this work, Luke 2: 1-40 as it was seen and heard HERE on Christmas Eve. You will see the list of our scribes as well as those who served as our illuminator/illustrators on the final page.
We hope you will enjoy, even be inspired by this unique experience. Rarely if ever will you see scripture handwritten in your own tongue. Rarer still, see it in the ancient language of Luke’s pen. (There are presently 8.2 Billion people on earth. 2.4 Billion, ¼ of the world’s population identify as Christian. Many fewer than ¼ of 1% of the world’s total population are Christians who can read ancient Greek. Fewer still actually see, many less read it. We are some of the blessed few in the global village to share this sacred sight of the Nativity “According to Luke”.
Thank you to our devoted scribes, illuminators and illustrators.