We use 3 historic spiritual disciplines: FASTING, PRAYER, PETITION for God’s direction.
FASTING. Tuesdays, Sept 3 - Nov 5, FAST all or a portion of the day, as you are moved.
The Goal: to get a sense of being emptied of self, more filled with God.
FASTING. Tuesdays, Sept 3 - Nov 5, FAST all or a portion of the day, as you are moved.
The Goal: to get a sense of being emptied of self, more filled with God.
- Set a doable goal for each Tuesday. Some may want to start small, then progress. Example: Fast (skip) 1 meal, or at least postpone it, then work to fasting/skipping 2 meals, or all .
Remember, it’s just 1 day a week. (Yes, YOU could choose more.)
Do hydrate. Water and most juices are okay. Caffeine? Naaa!
Health, age etc. DO matter.
USE Skipped meal-time to THINK/PRAY ABOUT/FOR THOSE WHO SEEK TO LEAD (ANY/ALL LEVELS) AND WHERE THEY PLAN TO LEAD US. - Prepare and inform yourself spiritually. Read Scripture. We’ll give you examples. Read a devotional. Read/sing a hymn or song of faith. Or use other means.
Move a little “outside yourself” and closer to God! - Try to stick with your schedule, stay with your plan.
- Offer your very own. As we fast to be emptied, pray to be filled with God’s presence.
- Strive to include the needs, hopes and lives touched by the leaders we select.
OK to include yours, just don’t stop there. - To understand others’ needs, take weekly time to learn more about what challenges us, local, national, global. Sample some new sources of information, not just your favorites.
- Pray in a place where you feel both comfortable & stretched to draw nearer to God.
- Try not to “coach God” on how to answer prayer. (Yes, this IS tough.)
- Petition God to enlist you in every outcome rather than you enlist God.
GOD’s perfecting power-for-good and for grace-for-all guides all prayer.