Our United Methodist Beliefs:

As United Methodists……. We celebrate and acknowledge the centrality of Jesus Christ. He is God’s Son. Jesus’ life, death, and resurrection open the way for each of us to be forgiven and to live in God’s presence now and always. We believe that we are put right with God by faith (believing) in Jesus Christ. (Galatians 2:16)
We approach the scriptures as a story of God’s action in history, especially through the good news of Jesus Christ. For most United Methodists, the Bible is not a rule book, but rather a vehicle by which God can transform lives.
We are a religion of the heart. Our hearts are warmed by the grace (freely given love) of God. We respond to that grace by living Christian lives.
We are a church that respects individual integrity. We encourage study and questioning. Each individual is invited to accept God’s gift of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. Beyond that, United Methodists respect each other in our diversity. We are an inclusive church.
Worship is central, as are sacraments (baptism and communion). We sing with joy and offer services of healing.
We are a connectional church, closely related to the nearly 8 million United Methodists in the United States and to Methodists throughout the world.
We are an ecumenical church. Unity in Jesus Christ is most important. United Methodists help to break down dividing walls between denominations. (Ephesians 2:14)
We are involved in mission. John Wesley (our founder) was, for a time, a missionary to Georgia. Presently, the United Methodist Church is involved in thousands of mission projects and has hundreds of missionaries serving throughout the world.
We are a people of social concern. Imitating Jesus, John Wesley took his ministry to the poor, abused, and neglected. We seek to do the same.
We are a people of the Holy Spirit. This is God present with us for guidance, comfort and strength.
We approach the scriptures as a story of God’s action in history, especially through the good news of Jesus Christ. For most United Methodists, the Bible is not a rule book, but rather a vehicle by which God can transform lives.
We are a religion of the heart. Our hearts are warmed by the grace (freely given love) of God. We respond to that grace by living Christian lives.
We are a church that respects individual integrity. We encourage study and questioning. Each individual is invited to accept God’s gift of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ. Beyond that, United Methodists respect each other in our diversity. We are an inclusive church.
Worship is central, as are sacraments (baptism and communion). We sing with joy and offer services of healing.
We are a connectional church, closely related to the nearly 8 million United Methodists in the United States and to Methodists throughout the world.
We are an ecumenical church. Unity in Jesus Christ is most important. United Methodists help to break down dividing walls between denominations. (Ephesians 2:14)
We are involved in mission. John Wesley (our founder) was, for a time, a missionary to Georgia. Presently, the United Methodist Church is involved in thousands of mission projects and has hundreds of missionaries serving throughout the world.
We are a people of social concern. Imitating Jesus, John Wesley took his ministry to the poor, abused, and neglected. We seek to do the same.
We are a people of the Holy Spirit. This is God present with us for guidance, comfort and strength.