Frequently Asked Questions with Contact Links
Question: How do I arrange for a baptism? Click here to be redirected to our Baptism Page.
Question: I am not a member. Can I still receive communion? All are welcome to take communion in The United Methodist Church, including visitors, those who belong to other denominations, and those who have never been baptized. Children are also welcome to take communion. (Grape juice, rather than wine, is used.) It is up to the parents to decide when their child should begin receiving communion. The Sacrament of Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Communion is served “at the rail” or by intinction. When served at the rail, go forward and receive a cup and a piece of bread. When served by intinction, go forward to the rail, accept a small piece of bread, and dip it into the juice held by the pastor or communion server. When communion is served by intinction, individual cups of juice are also available. Gluten-free wafers are always available. If you are unable to come forward, tell an usher and communion will be brought to you.
Question: I am not a member. Can I still receive communion? All are welcome to take communion in The United Methodist Church, including visitors, those who belong to other denominations, and those who have never been baptized. Children are also welcome to take communion. (Grape juice, rather than wine, is used.) It is up to the parents to decide when their child should begin receiving communion. The Sacrament of Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. Communion is served “at the rail” or by intinction. When served at the rail, go forward and receive a cup and a piece of bread. When served by intinction, go forward to the rail, accept a small piece of bread, and dip it into the juice held by the pastor or communion server. When communion is served by intinction, individual cups of juice are also available. Gluten-free wafers are always available. If you are unable to come forward, tell an usher and communion will be brought to you.
Question: I would like to dedicate flowers. What is your policy? We offer the opportunity to dedicate Altar Flowers or Narthex Flowers. In keeping with our Allergy Sensitivity Policy, we permit the purchase of silk flowers (or other artificial material); fresh flowers may be used at weddings or funerals with pastoral permission. The dedication information will be included in the Sunday bulletin. (Because of communion, altar flowers are not used on the first Sunday of each month.) Narthex flowers are two smaller arrangements which are placed between the railings at the steps inside the front doors. Make the arrangements with the florist, who will bill you directly. You may take the flowers home after the second service. Please direct your questions to our church office, [email protected] or (410) 848-8325.
Question: I am interested in membership at WUMC. What should I do? Westminster UMC 101 is held approximately once per month. This class assists anyone seeking faith and those who are curious about Christianity and/or WUMC, as well as for persons wishing to become WUMC members. New members are received by transfer from another United Methodist church or a church of another denomination, or by Profession of Faith for those who have never experienced church membership. Contact the church office to be placed on the list for notification about the next session. Child care is available.
Contact: Sherri Haines [email protected] or (410) 848-8325
Contact: Sherri Haines [email protected] or (410) 848-8325
Question: I’m interested in having my wedding at WUMC. What should I do first? Our Wedding Guidelines document will answer most of your preliminary questions. Click here to be redirected to our Weddings page.
Question: I’m interested in having my wedding at WUMC. What should I do first? Our Wedding Guidelines document will answer most of your preliminary questions. Click here to be redirected to our Weddings page.
Have we answered your question? Would you like to contact us?
Have we answered your question? Would you like to contact us?
How do I submit a question? Please send your question in an email to [email protected].
How do I submit a question? Please send your question in an email to [email protected].