Our congregation, Westminster United Methodist Church, moves that we will become a Lighthouse Congregation of the Baltimore-Washington Conference of the United Methodist Church in partnership with our District and Conference. In doing so, not only do we commit to remain a part of the United Methodist Church, but we also commit to serve those who have lost their church homes through disaffiliation or closure. We will partner in this work in the following ways:
- Provide a welcoming place to belong during this time of grief and transition, for as long as the individual or group needs it. This includes a providing a place with caring relationships, listening hearts, and unconditional love with a congregation that is confident it will not disaffiliate and will continue to remain in the UMC.
- Offer “No Pressure” ministry opportunities. These will include worship, discipleship, and mission.
- Organize local Beginning Again groups by proactively finding and connecting with individual persons and groups that feel displaced by disaffiliating churches.
- Connect persons or groups with Conference and District resources to help them discern their next steps as they consider a new church home.